Friday, January 22, 2010

Deutsche Bahn wishes you a Happy New Year... 19 times!

because the current year according to them is 2029! :-D

The photo isn't the clearest one could take with a mobile phone camera, nonetheless, if you look carefully you will find all the DD MM YYYY fields as quite arbitrary!

Can't prevent writing the obvious now... but it seems so futuristic!! ;-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Authentic Pfizer spam?

I am reasonably sure you would've seen/received umpteen of spam emails from "Authentic Viagra Sellers" or some-similar-sounding-spammer kin, with the subject announcing a flattering personal/special discount of 80% off Pfizer.
It's needless to say that the subsequent action one takes is simply to delete this stupid spam. Which is what I did a few hours ago too, in my usual nonchalant way. I did a "Select: All" first and then, as I hit the "Delete forever" button, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the subject of one of these Pfizer spams... offering a discount of 73% !!! How on the earth did they choose this number? :D
Or has it been this way and it's only that I noticed this today?

Whatever, must say I feel a bit dejected on having deleted that email now! :D