Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Have never done this before... I guess, this should be some kind of welcoming you readers-of-my-blog and stuff, which (unfortunately?) I'm not very good at! :-D
Let's (try to) begin anyways! Actually, me got bitten by blog bug only a couple of days earlier, after I came across this blog Found a
magnificent poem there and it was then it crossed my mind that you poor earthlings were getting deprived of something! :-P
Anways, for those, who maybe wondering at the loooong URL of my blog, I'm a passionate Pink Floyd fan, and Dark Side Of the Moon is an intensely evocative album that they produced in 1973. In short, it is about
the simple and often trivial pressures of daily life that can lead one to insanity. It is also one of their best-ever selling albums, hmmm... I'm tempted to engage, at this point, in some trivia;-) DSoM remained in BillBoard Top 200 charts for a fabulous FIFTEEN years (~ 730 weeks) !!! and is still estimated to sell greater than 10, 000 copies per week around the world!
Needless to say now, it's my favourite compilation as well...
The (current) title of the blog might be much more familiar. Comfortably Numb would be the best psychedelic score ever written and sung in the history of music. It sort of is a give-away-description of mine as well! And I think, I'd like to exercise it right now :-D and say adioz!


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